News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Tuesday, 11 April, 2006
Spring is here
or is it already summer?
by heather

We have had beautiful weather the past few days. Yesterday it even got up to 81! I think we skipped right over spring, into summer.


I turned part of our dining area into a place to house my plants until I can move them outside.

I have 3 Geraniums that I kept from last summer, two of which Leslie started from cuttings from her plants. Leslie and I planted Tuberious Begonias a couple weeks ago. I've got 3 different colors, can't wait until they bloom!

There are 2 Rose bushes from last year also. Can you believe one just bloomed? They were in the basement for the winter to go dormant for a while. Shortly before we went to NY, I started watering them. When we returned, there was a bud, almost ready to open. The first rose of the season was a yellow one. I was disappointed in the lack of fragrance, but it looked beautiful!

I also started some seeds. I started Basil, Cilantro, and Parsley. I hope to be able to make lots of pesto this summer and Rex will enjoy the herbs as well!

I'm looking forward to visiting the green houses in a few weeks and picking out some flowers for my hanging baskets. I'll be looking for trailing flowers that can stand hot direct heat for the pot that hangs on the front of the house. I tried Petunias last year, but I think the sun was too hot. Does anyone have any suggestions?



Katherine said on Apr 17 at 12:23 p.m.:

I have a trailing plant in my apartment that has just TAKEN OFF! I bought it when it was small, and IT IS HUGE NOW! I can't remember the name, but I will check the marker when I get home. Email me if you don't hear from me. I think it would do OK outside, too. People here have the same kind outdoors, and it gets up to 100 here in the summer...

Katherine said on Apr 17 at 12:24 p.m.:

Also, Mandivillas are good trailing plants and have beautiful pink flowers that remind me of Hibiscus.