News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Friday, 3 August, 2007
August Already!
by heather

I can't believe that it is August already and I haven't posted any pictures of my flowers this season! I've taken pictures every few weeks with intentions of posting them on here. Then, shortly after, I think 'I better take new pictures since the flowers have grown so much' and the cycle continues.

So, here are the most recent pictures of my flowers in the front of our house.

/media/images/100_4465.JPG /media/images/100_4470.JPG

Here are a couple closer pictures. My rosebush and my new stacked pots of petunias. I found that idea at a craft fair this past spring. I thought it would be really cool and I'm happy with how it came out!

/media/images/100_4468.JPG /media/images/100_4472.JPG


Linda said on Aug 9 at 07:36 a.m.:

Wow, Heather! It all looks so beautiful. I can't believe how your railing is all covered; we were winding those plants just inches up the posts in June. The roses are gorgeous and I'll be trying the tipped pots next year myself.

KATHY GROVER said on Aug 16 at 05:42 p.m.:

Wow!! Your flowers are beautiful!! I need some help with mine. Come to VA and give me some help next Spring. The flower garden should attract buyers to your place