News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Monday, 26 November, 2007
The Big Moving Ordeal
Part Two, The Good Movers
by nate

Wednesday morning just before 8:00 AM we got a call from the Bekins truck. "Where is your house? We're on Ipava." I gave them directions and they backed their massive Mack truck and 53' trailer in front of our house. We met the driver, Scooter, and his girlfriend/assistant, Amy. We walked them through the house to show what was going on the truck and what was not.

Scooter and his crew were very professional. Amy started tagging everything with numbered stickers and recording each item on inventory sheets. Scooter and his local help, two guys from Action Moving, started wrapping furniture in pads and moving everything out to the truck.

Heather and I felt very comfortable and lucky. Scooter and Amy were a lot of fun to talk to. We heard lots of stories about different people they've moved, both good and bad. Scooter recommended we rent "Moving" with Richard Pryor. We probably chatted with Scooter too much because they didn't get out of there until 12:30 PM. After a quick lunch with Aunt Peg we hit the road.

Our three day drive back to Maine was largely uneventful. We stopped at Mark and Laura's at the end of day two. Thanks again for letting us crash there. We arrived in Maine two days later than scheduled. I think that's pretty good, all things considered.

So when were we going to get our stuff? November 19th. That's a long time to be without our stuff, but we did it. Scooter arrived with our stuff on the 19th just as planned. Looks like everything made it intact. We got everything into the house except our couch. We couldn't get it to fit through any of the doors.



Danielle said on Nov 26 at 11:54 a.m.:

Thanks for finishing the story! I'm so glad it all worked out in the end.