News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Tuesday, 26 April, 2005
"I won't shave much of your hair, I promise"
...that's what the doc told me.
by heather

This picture was taken 6 days post op. Looks like I'm healing quite well. I think he took a bit more hair than he needed to, don't you? I've got a challange for some lucky hairdresser! I'm going to see if there is anything they can do to blend this shaved portion into a short haircut. Maybe I'll just wear a hat for the next 6 years or so until it grows back to the length I'm used to.


Danielle said on Apr 26 at 11:36 p.m.:

Hey Heather,
You know, that long on top, shaved underneath look was really "in" for quite a while not too long ago. Maybe you can convince people it's coming back :o)!

Dawn Dilbeck said on Apr 27 at 11:57 a.m.:

Hey Heather! Glad you are feeling better and looking good! Really, I think they did a very good job with that incision. Believe me, I have more than my fair share of scars and that's not bad at all.

I agree, that hairstyle isn't that old. Hey, it may even be retro by now :)

Take care and rest up. We miss you over here.

Julia said on Oct 17 at 03:36 p.m.:

I just happened to stumble upon this site, and I have to commend you on your seemingly endless courage and positive attitude. You've been through quite an ordeal and you manage to stay quite positive, it's nothing short of a miracle. You hair will grow back, and when people take notice to the fact that it's not there, tell them your story of bravery and courage, and how you've conquered the odds.

Take care,