News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Tuesday, 29 May, 2007
She looks good
by nate

After a quick trip back to the Variety House I went to visit Heather in the PACU. I was able to stay about fifteen minutes, ten minutes more than I was supposed to. She has good color in her face and was able to lift her leg so the nurse could put a pillow between them.

Heather told me the doctors were talking about breakfast when they started the anesthesia. They asked Heather what she wanted and would pump it through the I.V. She said she wanted to go full fat - pancakes with butter pecan syrup. She also told me the anesthesiologist told her she had great range of motion for having a fused neck. Heather was very worried about the intubation.

The nurse said I could come back at 7:30pm to see her again. She should be moved to the NSICU after 9pm tonight. Keep those comments coming. I'll try to print out the blog entries before I go see her at 7:30. I'd better go check when the library closes. That's where I intend to print them out.


Mom said on May 29 at 02:24 p.m.:

We're so happy the surgery went well. Tell Heather I'll make her those pancakes as soon as I get to MN. Hope her recovery will be smooth and quick so she can check out of the hospital and join you at Variety House.

Brenda said on May 29 at 02:28 p.m.:

Hey Nate,
Glad to hear the good news thus far. Tell Heather we continue to keep both of you in our prayers and hope for a speedy recovery from this procedure.

Take Care
Brenda and Todd

Dean said on May 29 at 03:48 p.m.:

Best to you...

Glad to hear things are going well! What I want to know -- when do we get to see the photos of the inevitable snazzy hair style (aka bed-head from hell)???


Corey and Feist said on May 29 at 04:05 p.m.:

Good to hear your surgery went well!! Hope your recovery is as painless as possible. We in Minnesota are cheering for you! :)

Amanda & Pat said on May 29 at 04:08 p.m.:

For some reason, your message about this surgery got sent to my junk box and I didn't see it til over the weekend. You guys are certainly not junk!

Heather, I love you!!!! I certainly prayed hard for you today and also for a good recovery period. I hope that this helps you; you don't deserve any of this obnoxious pain in the head! I think about you often and apologize for not keeping in touch better. So glad to hear it went well and we will be in touch.

Love, Amanda & Pat

caleb said on May 29 at 04:21 p.m.:

hi heather

i am so happy that it went well. i cant wait to see you in june. i only have 14 days of school left! not couting the fun week so i have about 18 more days. and did they give you pancakes with pecan syrup? love you calebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Dad said on May 29 at 04:30 p.m.:

Great news!

Hi Heather and Nate. Caleb and I are both very happy and relieved to hear that the surgery went smoothly and well. You have our continued wishes and prayers for a quick and easy recovery.Whenever you squeeze Jake, pretend it's hugs from Caleb and I.Thanks, Nate, for giving us such timely updates.Much love from Caleb and Dad!

Anne said on May 29 at 04:47 p.m.:

I was so glad to hear from you Nate regarding Heather's surgery and how well it seemed to go. Honey, I planted some sunflowers and picked lilacs today just for you! Keep up the strength and courage you no doubt have. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Love, Mom

Dad and Caleb said on May 29 at 05:30 p.m.:

Tick update!

After greeting Otis with hugs and kisses upon our return home, we found a Mighty Tick in Calebs'armpit this morning! (Dad was surprised it could survive the environment- a mighty tough tick!)and it didn't want to let go. But it is all gone now. Actually, we don't know where it was acquired and Otis has been on Frontline since warm weather.Caleb got a 98 on his History Test and 82 on Science today- pretty good!Ball game tomorrow.That's the local news for now-LOVE YA !GET WELL FAST!

Kathy Grover said on May 29 at 08:02 p.m.:


So glad all is going well. We will keep the prayers going for you.
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dave

Nathaniel said on May 29 at 08:12 p.m.:

Great to Hear

I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well. I hope you recovery goes smoothly and that you can get back to working out and running again. I'm sure you will be back at it soon. Rest up and get well soon.

Uncle Tom and Aunt Cheryl said on May 29 at 08:39 p.m.:

Heather, we are so glad the surgery went well! We will continue to pray for you. We KNOW you want those pancakes with the pecan syrup... :)