News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Tuesday, 29 May, 2007
Too early for laughter
by nate

I saw Heather again at 7:30 tonight and she's still looking good. She's working through the pain of a low pressure headache, but we knew she would get one. She was having a hard time looking down to see me standing by her knees. I squatted down and rested my nose on the side rail so she should see me better. I said, "Killroy was here," and that started her giggling. Giggling is not a good thing to do when you have a low pressure headache. (correction: The giggling hurt her back and stomach muscles. They were really tight from the surgery.) I had to look away for a while and start telling her about the trouble with the calling card to get her out of a silly mood.

After she calmed down I read her all of the blog entries today. She loved to hear the comments you all wrote. Keep them coming! She's scheduled to move to a regular room at 8:45 tonight. Tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon they are going to start sitting her up. They will raise the head of her bed about one degree every one or two minutes until she's sitting up at 60 degrees.

Perhaps she'll be ready to make or take calls Wednesday evening.


Louis said on May 29 at 10:08 p.m.:

Hi Heather

Hi Heather and Nate. Great having this opportunity to interact with you both. We are so happy to hear that everything is going well. I love the part Nate about you doing stuff to make Heather giggle, but after surgery that is tough for the patient to do. But sure puts the mind in a new place. Continue to update and Heather continue to get back on your feet quickly. Thoughts and Prayers are with you.

Kay Erickson said on May 29 at 10:47 p.m.:

Hi, Heather, so glad to hear all went well with the surgery. Nate, thanks for the updates. We'll keep you in our prayers. Only 7 more school days! Kay and Chris and Amy

Jon said on May 30 at 10:15 a.m.:

Thanks for the good update, Nate. Tell Heather we've been thinking/praying for her. Hoping all continues to go well!
-Jon & Debbie

Aunt Peg said on May 30 at 10:42 a.m.:

You are both so encredibly brave. I hope all goes well with everything. My thoughts are with you many times a day.
Wishing both peace. Peg

Deb Ouellette said on May 30 at 11:06 a.m.:

Hi Heather and Nate,
So happy to hear your surgery went well. Lots of good wishes are coming your way from all the Ouellettes. Izzy said she can't wait until Baxter is back from camp so she can tell him about her possible appearance on a future episode of the "Dog Whisperer". It was crazy here yesterday. Cesar Milan was filming an episode in front of our house, with the Doberman across the street. Izzy and Bumper may be in one of the shots so I had to sign a release for their appearance. That episode probably won't air until Nov. Izzy wants to assure Baxter that he'll still be her boyfriend even if she becomes a big star. We're all looking forward to our walks together when you're up to it. Best wishes from Deb, Jeff, Bumper, and Izzy

kathy grover said on May 30 at 11:11 a.m.:

Hope today is good with little discomfort. I am off to a home inspection in Alexandria. Have you had any lookers at your townhome?
Take care